Wednesday, July 7, 2010

That's Very Hot

Been thinking about this blog. Yeah, I know it's been a year - but it actually served its purpose. I now pay (some) attention to pop culture and I even listen to new music. It's steps in the right direction.

But since the last posting, I've actually moved to Korea. And there's a ton of crazy cultural things here. I'm still not really into it, but once in a while I feel like blogging it. So, here we go with a few posts to see where they lead.

I'd like to introduce the Choco Boys. I find this... disturbing. So disturbing that I had to share. Which just shows how far I've come in my views on pop culture.

Apparently they're on a kind of Korean variety comedy show, like SNL. This skit has become popular, as you can see from the audience.


Anonymous said...

I didn't watch the vid but my family caught a bit of the show while surfing through the korean channels at home.... it led to disgust amongst my family, and a long lecture of how korea has gotten out of hand?

Jennifer said...

Wow Deb, I had no idea you were still following this!

Yeah, I find it . . . disturbing. But less so than I used to. Kind of an amusing disturbing now.... my mind's been corrupted.

Or else I'm just turning Korean.