Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Finished Buffy Season 2

Okay, so I figured that if I watched a season or two, that was enough to "get" the show. I've done that with others, like BSG (seasons 1 & 2), Arrested Development (1st season only), or The Office.

Getting to the end of season 2 in Buffy, I figured I might just forget about it and not see the rest.

Until I saw the final episode. Incredible ending. Yeah, honestly, I thought it was brilliant. So much that I actually do care to see what happens. Very glad I don't have to wait months to see it (like regular season finales).

But I'm not sure I want to watch either. I know there's a spin-off series about Angel, which means they must somehow bring him back. They shouldn't - it should really end right there. In fact, I'm feeling the whole Buffy series should end at the end of season 2 - great endings don't leave room for sequels.

But alas, Emi has lent me the next 5 seasons of Buffy and 4 of Angel. . . So I'm sure I'll be seeing more. Just hope it's not disappointing.

Today's song is . . .
Sarah McLachlan's Full of Grace
(Ignore the vid, only decent version of the song I could find.)

Anyone know why I chose this song?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'd end actually at season 5. you think that it can't better than season 2... but it does! heh heh heh. i don't think seasons 6 and 7 are all that awesome buy i know plenty of people that find it to be their favorites.

- gus