Thursday, April 30, 2009


Confession: I'm reading the Twilight series.

Several friends have recommended it, much like Harry Potter in the early days. I've got free time, so I finished the first two books in 3 days. Scarily - that's not unusual for me. Which means, finishing them so fast doesn't mean I especially like them.

My thoughts on the first book: Meyer spends far too much time developing a relationship, then crams an action story into the latter half of the book. She's dealing with two genres, attempting to integrate them, but succeeding only in a flimsy segue between them. On the other hand, Twilight reads easily, mastering the art of cliff-hanging and driving the novel through plot. Overall, easy to understand the popularity, but far from lasting literature.

On a personal note - this is a lot of vampire for me (along with Buffy). Kind of getting tired of it; need a break. But I will have to see the movie for a comparison:

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