Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Let the Beat Rock

I kept hearing this distinctive song on the radio, but couldn't figure out the lyrics. So, I decided to combine this radio thing with this internet thing. Result is: I found out the "boom boom boom" song is actually Black Eyed Peas' new release Boom Boom Pow and the current number one according to Billboard.

Also, this song is from a cd that hasn't been released yet. What's up with that? Is this a common thing? I guess it's a good marketing device.

Back to the song... So apparently sounds count as words, as in "hear the spaceship *zoom*". Also, there are allusions / slang I didn't get, such as 808 (disturbing the peace), and the clean version cuts out a lot of ****, making it hard to understand. Now I read the lyrics, I'm happy enough.

Black Eyed Peas' Boom Boom Pow

So, anyone have any idea why this is top right now?

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