Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Living Mayberry

Utopia literally means "no place" and was the name of a book describing a perfect version of England. The irony is that no place can be perfect and peaceful. Mayberry is a utopia.

I noted before that pop culture captures the mood of a generation, including its passions and convictions. But it also gives form to the ideals and dreams, manifesting the generation's concept of utopia. TV shows seem particularly good at capturing idyllic lives.

If Mayberry was the Utopia of the 60's, what show is the utopia of today? Please tell me it's not Grey's Anatomy. What are your thoughts?

Today's TV is . . .
The Andy Griffith Show

(Love the commercial in this clip)

I've been surprised to realize I know a lot of the older sitcoms. I think I saw them repeatedly as a kid and they stuck better than those cartoons I've completely blocked out. It's also interesting to see what the actors did after their shows. As a kid, I never knew that Andy Griffith was Matlock.

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