Sunday, April 12, 2009


Okay, two weeks into this project, I finally heard a song I know on the radio: Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit on 106.whatever-it-is. Yes! This blog will pay off, though it's gonna take awhile.

So, for Easter, thought I'd find a popular song that references easter / resurrection / etc.

Well, googling "lyrics resurrection" gave me interesting results. Realized I don't know anything about pop music, so I wikipedia checked each of them:
  • Nicol Sponberg's Resurrection (some new Christian artist. This is her first solo.)
  • Chimaira's Resurrection (a headbanger group. Noisy.)
Listened to both, but decided I really had to put up the Christian one for Easter. Yeah, it's not the pop song I was looking for, but it's actually pretty good.

Today's song is . . .
Nicol Sponberg's


Edward Lee said...

Other excellent Easter-themed songs:

U2 and B. B. King, "When Love Comes To Town" (must every discussion about music on this blog come back to U2? Quite possibly.)

Dave Matthews, "Bartender"

The Who, "Who Are You?"

Jennifer said...

Yeah, I realized I don't have any knowledge to find a song for a particular occasion. That takes a breadth of songs and a good memory for them.

But you did remind me of Dave Matthews, whom I should definitely investigate. I'm sure some friends will appreciate me learning their favorite artist, even if it is about 8 years late!