Friday, April 3, 2009

Radio Silence

I've been trying to listen to these stations so I can become familiar with the current music. It's not happening. I hate the radio.

What's the issue? First, they talk. People babbling about the music, or commercials, or news. I either don't know or don't care what they're talking about. Second, sadly, is the music itself. I don't know the band or the lyrics and get annoyed real fast.

So I end up driving in silence. It's better than the radio.

Today's song is . . .
Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back
(in tribute to the most obnoxious KIIS)

Surprisingly, I get it. I mean, I get why it's popular. Not much for the lyrics, but it's catchy (good rhythm? I dunno, anyone care to enlighten me?) The best part is this video works in a Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. First, I like the live vocals better than the official music video, and, well, it's just a perfect match.


poohkhoo said...

That's exactly why pop music is popular, it's catchy.

Jennifer said...

I guess my question is, what makes a song catchy? I mean, I think I can identify it as catchy, but what is the musical quality that relates to catchy (rhythm, repetition, singable vocal range)?

Ted T. Liu said...

thanks for letting us in on your secret blog. very fun! ;)

have you come across pandora radio?

your comment here reminds me of the Music Genome Project. it doesn't get to the heart of 'what makes a song catchy?', but it might get a bit at 'what makes a song'. i wonder if to get to the 'catchy' part, it comes down to understanding people - both as individuals and as a group.

well, if these links don't help in your quest, i hope that you can enjoy pandora radio if you didn't know about it already. ;)